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The Rosary Shop

Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.

Catholic Scholarship Program

IMPORTANT! Due to business decline we MIGHT not offer a scholarship distribution for the 2009/2010 academic year. Please keep that in mind before you apply. If we do not award the scholarship, we will refund all application fees (or just won't charge/deposit them in the first place).

General Information

Purpose: To promote the Lay Apostolate by assisting in the higher education of devout Catholics preparing for professional careers or the priesthood, and to simultaneously support institutions that are maintaining their Catholic identity and integrity.

Duration: The scholarship award is for one academic year. However, past recipients may re-apply and, all other things being equal, are given preference over new applicants.

How to apply: First review the information on this page completely to make sure you are eligible. Then download the application using the link at the bottom of the page. Returning applicants need only provide updated grades and financial need statements (assuming everything else has remained the same).

Application Deadline: All applications materials must be received before June 30 to be considered for the coming academic year. Please do not send your application to us before June 1. We do not open any of the scholarship-related mail until June 30, so if you have a question, be sure to call or e-mail.

Method of Distribution: If awarded a scholarship, you will receive a letter by July 31 indicating your total potential award amount for the year. We may also send a letter of financial commitment to your school explaining how we will be assisting with your tuition. At the end of each term, upon verification of your progress and compliance with the scholarship's requirements, a pro-rated distribution will be sent directly to your school to be attributed to your tuition expenses.

Funds Available: The total scholarship available varies from year to year, and depends upon the company's financial performance. We estimate that there will be a total of $0 - $5000 available for the 2008-2009 academic year. Depending on the total number of applicants and their qualifications and need, this may be divided among several recipients, awarded to one applicant, reserved for future years, or otherwise distributed to a worthy Catholic institution of our choosing. The minimum amount we will award to a particular recipient is $1000 for the year. The actual amount to be awarded will be stated in the award letter.

Qualifications: Both the applicant and the educational institution must meet specific criteria for eligibility. Applicant must be an active, practicing Catholic. The applicant need not have determined major or minor areas of study, but if they have been determined, they cannot be subjects contrary to the Catholic faith. Applicant must show a B average or better in high school, achieve a C or better in all undergraduate classes, and a B or better in all graduate classes. Ideally, the institution will be a Catholic college, university or seminary. Alternatively, it may be a secular college or university. We are unlikely to grant scholarships to persons attending colleges rooted in different faiths. The institution cannot be notoriously anti-catholic, or a Catholic institution that has failed to comply with Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Canon Law (regardless of whether or not such compliance is required by the local ordinary); all theology faculty need either a mandatum or to have taken the Oath of Fidelity. Scholarships will be awarded and distributed based upon

Application Requirements:

  1. Complete the application, and send it to us with the following
    1. Letter of recommendation from a former teacher, godparent or priest
    2. One paragraph explaining your reasons for applying for this scholarship
    3. One paragraph explaining your motivations for your course of study and school choice
    4. If attending a Catholic university, college or seminary, application must include a letter from the director of the school's department of theology indicating that all teachers of theology have taken the Oath of Fidelity (or equivalent). This can be included in your application, or faxed directly to us by the department. However, do not apply for this scholarship if the department is unwilling to provide such a letter or its equivalent -- you will be forfeiting your application fee.
    5. If studying a secular field, include an essay not longer than five pages discussing the mission of the Catholic laity in the world, and how your chosen field will further that mission.
    6. If pursuing religious studies towards ordination or ecclesial employment, include an essay not longer than ten pages on the mission of the Catholic laity in the world. Include a thorough discussion of the distinction between the lay apostolate, lay ecclesial ministry, and ordained ecclesial ministry. Include a brief examination of the roles of the priest, staff and the laity in the parish community. Finally, discuss what is meant by the Church when she encourages greater participation in the Mass and how this can be accomplished.
    7. Include a copy of your SAT or PSAT results (GRE or equivalent if attending graduate school).
    8. $25 non-refundable application fee made out to The Rosary Shop
  2. Have certified transcripts from your last four years of school sent directly to us.

Other Questions

How do I know if my institution is acceptable? If it is a secular institution (but not notoriously anti-Catholic), or a Catholic institution in which the theology faculty have taken the Oath of Fidelity or received the mandatum from the local bishop, it is acceptable. Contact your school's department of theology to confirm their status. A recent, but probably incomplete, list of schools can be found at the National Catholic Register web site (the list does not appear to include seminaries).

Can I contribute to this fund? The scholarship is funded entirely from The Rosary Shop's activities. The best way you can contribute is by purchasing from The Rosary Shop, and encouraging others to do the same. In addition, you can send money reserved for the scholarship fund to The Rosary Shop and it will be used only for that purpose. However, The Rosary Shop is not a charity, and your donations would not be tax-deductible.

How else can I help? If you know someone who you believe would be a good candidate, let them know about the scholarship. In addition, we urge Catholic organizations to establish similar scholarship funds. Together we can really make a difference by assisting young men and women in their educational pursuits and by indirectly encouraging Catholic institutions to maintain their authentic Catholic identity.

If I am already receiving enough financial aid to cover my tuition, am I eligible? Possibly. We will consider granting the scholarship even to individuals whose tuition expenses are covered if doing so will reduce the student loan burden (this usually works if loans are the only form of aid being received).

What kinds of studies are eligible? If the field of study has the genuine potential to improve the human condition and is not incompatible with the Catholic faith, it is eligible. If pursuing religious studies, they must be taken at a mandatum or equivalent Catholic institution to be eligible.

What were the past scholarship amounts? In 2006/2007 we provided $4000 in tuition assistance. 2007/2008 was about $5000.

What is the Lay Apostolate? The Lay Apostolate, to state it simply, is the mission of all lay Catholics to respond to the "Call to Holiness," evangelize and improve the world condition through work, example and word in their own communities. This is done by faithfully following the Catholic faith while doing one's best in whatever field he is in. See Gaudium et Spes, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Christifideles Laici for details.

Can a scholarship be forfeited? Yes. We reserve the right to withhold or terminate distributions if the recipient fails to maintain necessary grades, ceases to participate in the Catholic faith, engages in criminal behavior, the application included falsehoods (even if by omission of important facts), or other events of similar gravity.

I'm attending a Catholic institution, but not to take theology. Do I still need the confirmation letter from the theology department? Yes. If your Catholic institution has theology courses, we require this letter of affirmation whether you will be taking theology courses there or not.

I am attending seminary and my education is being funded by a diocese or religious order. Am I eligible? Many seminary programs are funded in part or entirely by the diocese or order and do not charge tuition directly to the participants. If a seminarian is chosen as the recipient of the scholarship but is not individually responsible for the costs of his education, we may decide to donate the funds to the seminary as a general gift, depending upon the reputation of the seminary and diocese.

Why is there an application fee? First, having an application fee (and considerable application requirements) prevents frivolous applications. In addition, the fee covers some of the time and expense that the partnership's staff take to review applications, manage the files, contact applicants, mail award letters and payments, etc. Most of the application fee actually gets redistributed in the form of the scholarship, itself.

What is Simple Way Limited Partnership? It is the parent company to The Rosary Shop.

Why are you doing this? We believe that the Lay Apostolate is critical to the mission of the Church in the world. The practice of the Lay Apostolate is fundamental to our activities, and is our core mission. We wish to increase people's knowledge and practice of this relatively-unknown Church teaching.

Where do I get an application? Please review all of the topics on this page before applying (it will take many hours for you to complete this application process, and there is no point in doing so if it turns out that you or your chosen institution do not qualify). Once you are certain that you meet the qualifications, download the application by clicking this link: Download Scholarship Application. Then print, complete it and all supplemental materials, and send everything to the address on the application.

We reserve the right to adapt, change and interpret the scholarship requirements. All award decisions made by the scholarship committee are final.