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The Rosary Shop

Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.

How to Make and Pray Rosaries & Chaplets

By Tyra Murray of The Rosary Shop

After ten years of making rosaries and chaplets, and providing parts and support to thousands of other rosary makers around the world, The Rosary Shop is pleased to publish the most complete printed resource on making rosaries that is available to the public. No rosary maker should be without it.

Rosary Making: Within the book you'll find step-by-step instructions and clear images -- over 150 illustrations and pictures -- to learn basic through advanced rosary-making techniques. It covers the fundamentals thoroughly, like cord, chain and flexwire rosaries, but includes wire wrapping, ladder and other assembly variations. Detailed tables list the bead patterns for over forty of the most popular rosaries and their variations. It is spiral/comb bound for ease of use.

Praying: Included in the book are illustrations and pictures of many different prayer chaplets, along with full-page instructions on how to pray each of them. You are free to copy the prayer instruction pages for your own use, or to include with rosaries that you make for others.

Other Resources: Bibliographies, rosary parts sources, tables to help identify obscure chaplets, instructions on making your own tools, help on prayer and much more.

The book can be ordered direct from The Rosary Shop, or via LuLu (the company that is printing it for us). At LuLu you can also order it electronically for immediate download -- in which case you'll find most of the pictures in color -- but it is a large file, I think almost 400MB. It is too large for us to host for downloading via our internet connection, but we will eventually make individual prayer chaplet pages available for download. At LuLu you can also view the first ten pages online.