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The Rosary Shop

Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.

Little beads of Our Lady of Consolation

This chaplet consists of 13 beads with a medal of St. Augustine. On each bead is said an Our Father and a Hail Mary, and at the end the Hail, Holy Queen is recited. The 12 Our Fathers and Hail Marys are in honor of the 12 Apostles; the other Our Father and Hail Mary are in honor of Our Lord, King of the Apostles.

While reciting these prayers one should meditate on the 12 articles of the Apostles' Creed and pray for the safety of the Holy Father, the Pope and the welfare of the Church.

This chaplet is designated especially for the Augustinian secular tertiaries.

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