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Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.

Precious Blood Chaplet


This chaplet consists of 33 beads, in honor of the thirty-three years of Our Lord's life on earth. There are 6 groups of 5 beads each, 3 closing beads, and a medal of the Precious Blood. For each group one says the Our Father 5 times and the Glory be 1 time. On the final group of 3 beads one says the Our Father 3 times and the Glory be 1 time.

In the beginning say: Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be, etc.

There are 7 mysteries recalling the occasions on which Our Savior shed His Blood for us. After each group of 5 Our Fathers and 1 Glory be, the following prayer is said: We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy Precious Blood.

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